App Privacy Policy

Last Revised and Effective Date: August 6, 2024

GROWTH LOOP LEARNING, INC., a Delaware corporation doing business as Beehive (collectively with its subsidiaries and affiliates, “Beehive”, “we”, “us” or “our”) respects your privacy and is committed to protecting it through our compliance with this policy (this “Privacy Policy”).

This Privacy Policy describes the categories of information that we collect from and about users of the Beehive Mobile App. This Privacy Policy also explains how we can use, disclose, and protect such information, as well as your choices regarding it, including without limitation, how to access, update, and delete your information. The information we collect and the purposes for which we use or disclose it will depend to some extent on how you use the Beehive Mobile App and how you interact with us. Throughout this Privacy Policy, “information” includes personal information about you.


1. Contact us

If you have any comments or questions about this Privacy Policy or the practices described herein, you may contact us as follows:


Postal address: 6120 Loyola Avenue, New Orleans, Louisiana 70118.

Telephone: (323) 214-3950.

2. Information we can collect

We can collect the following categories of information in the manner described below. We also can collect information about you through other individuals or our service providers, third parties, and/or other parties in the manner described below.

Information you provide to us

We ask for and collect the categories of information from and about you when you use the Beehive Mobile App as more particularly described below.

To register for an account in the Beehive Mobile App

To create a registered account as a parent or legal guardian, you provide us with your first and last name, an email address, a username, and a password.

Authentication Services

You may opt to login or register via Google, Facebook, or Apple (each, an “Authentication Service” and collectively, “Authentication Services”). Beehive may collect information that is already associated with your account that is connected to such Authentication Service. If you choose to provide such information during registration, you are giving Beehive the permission to store and use and disclose such information already associated with such Authentication Service in a manner consistent with this Privacy Policy. You should check your privacy settings on each such Authentication Service to understand and change the information sent to us through each such Authentication Service. Please see Information we can collect - Service provider, third party, and/or other party collection and How we may disclose your information - Service providers, third parties, and/or other parties below.

Information we can collect about children

The Beehive Mobile App does not collect information directly from children. We ask parents and legal guardians to register for an account and create a profile on behalf of their child.

We initially ask users to provide their date of birth to ensure we provide the appropriate experience. With a registered account, parents and legal guardians can provide the following information about their child:

• First and last name

• Date of birth

• Grade

• Gender (optional)

• School (optional)

Parents and legal guardians can also choose to add information about their child’s schoolwork and activities to the profile, including assignments, tests, quizzes, grades, and performance

Gender, grade, and school performance are collected to help provide a personalized experience for children.

Children can engage with content in the Beehive Mobile App, such as quizzes and videos, in lesson plans set up by the parent or legal guardian.

Beehive works with service providers solely to support the operation of the mobile app and do not track our users onwards or disclose user data to third parties.

To find out more about these service providers please see the Service Providers, third parties and/or other party collection section below. If you would like further information on these service providers you can contact us at


Beehive was designed to support compliance with FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) and COPPA (Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act). Under FERPA, you have the right to access certain directory information about you. If you wish to access or limit your directory information, please contact us. Children under the age of 13 require parental authorization to use Beehive’s services. If the parent or guardian of a child under 13 believes that the child has provided us with any information, the parent or guardian of that child should contact us if they want such information deleted from our files.

You may review, update or request to have your or your child’s information deleted at any time by contacting us at or logging into your registered account and clicking on the “My Hive” button. Please see Choices regarding your information - Changing your information  below.

Other information:

• As a user of the Beehive Mobile App, you may choose to provide us with information, including your personal information, such as a name, email address, and telephone number. Some examples include when you send us an email asking a question, participate in a video testimonial about the Beehive Mobile App, choose to participate in any research efforts with Beehive to improve the Beehive Mobile App, or choose to provide user-generated content (meaning any and all information and content that a user submits to, or uses with, the Beehive Mobile App).

• When you send us an email message, the email addresses and any telephone numbers collected are not further used to market to the individual beyond providing the services requested or responding to the requests.

• Parents and legal guardians can opt to receive communications from Beehive about updates or their child’s progress and activities via the Beehive Mobile App. These communications may include, but are not limited to, social media updates, push and in-app notifications and email. You can always unsubscribe from receiving any of our (1) marketing emails or other marketing communications whenever you’d like by clicking the “Unsubscribe” link at the bottom of the email; and (2) marketing push notifications by turning off push notifications on your device. Please also see Retention and Choices regarding your information below.

Information collected automatically

We, along with our service providers, third parties, and/or other parties, can automatically collect other information from or about you via cookies and other technologies, including:

• An identifier that is unique to the device on which you install the Beehive Mobile App and some device identifiers may be persistent device identifiers;

• Operating system type and version

• Browser type

• Mobile device carrier

• Internet Protocol (IP) address

• Platform type

• Device type, manufacturer, and model

• Software and hardware attributes

• Domain name of your Internet service provider

• Your geographic location

• Information regarding your access to and use of Beehive Mobile App

• Anonymized information

Service provider, third party, and/or other party collection

Beehive uses the following service providers, third parties, and/or other parties in the Beehive Mobile App.

• Amazon Web Services (AWS) for storing your account information and information provided about your child.

• Amplitude for analytics about how users use the Beehive Mobile App. Information collected includes device information and usage statistics.

• Apple for authentication services.

• Facebook  for authentication services.

• Google for authentication services.

• Typeform for hosting quizzes and surveys in the Beehive Mobile App.

• Vimeo for hosting videos and lessons.

• Appsflyer for referral programs

• AppCues for in-app tutorials.

• to monitor Beehive Mobile App health and system errors.

• RevenueCat for in-app purchases.

Please see Information we can collect – Authentication Services above and How we may disclose your information - Service providers, third parties, and/or other parties below.

Do Not Track

At this time, we do not respond to “Do Not Track” signals sent from Web browsers or other mechanisms that provide users the ability to exercise choice regarding the collection of personally identifiable information about an individual user’s online activities over time and across service provider, third party, and/or other party Internet services.

3. How we may use your information

We can use the information that we collect from and about you to conduct our business and for any of the purposes described in this Privacy Policy, subject to applicable law. Examples are as follows.

To provide, operate and improve the Beehive Mobile App and our business: To provide, operate and improve the Beehive Mobile App and our business.

For marketing: For marketing, such as to send you marketing communications.

For analytics: For analytics, including to understand how you use the Beehive Mobile App, to determine how you access the Beehive Mobile App, to improve the Beehive Mobile App, and for research and development, and/or fixing errors, by us or a service provider, third party, and/or other party, subject to applicable law.

Prevent fraud and promote security: To ensure the Beehive Mobile App remains safe and secure, such as by detecting, investigating and preventing activities that may violate our policies or be illegal.

Comply with law: To comply with applicable laws, including complying with our reporting obligations or governmental requests.

For legal and safety purposes: For legal and safety purposes, including to defend or protect us, you or others, from harm or in legal proceedings, protect our rights; protect our security and the security of others and property, respond to court orders, lawsuits, subpoenas, and government requests, address legal and regulatory compliance, enforce the Terms, and notify you of safety issues.

Anonymized information: For collecting, compiling, and/or creating anonymized information, which we or a service provider, third party, and/or other party can do, subject to applicable law, and which we or a service provider, third party, and/or other party can use for any purpose, subject to applicable law.

With your consent: We can use your information other than as described in this Privacy Policy if we notify you and you consent to such use.

At your request: We can use your information at your request, subject to applicable law.

For any other purpose with notice by us: We can use your information for any other purpose for which we provide you with notice, subject to applicable law.

Information collected automatically: Please see Information we can collect – Information collected automatically above.

4. How we may disclose your information

Information can be disclosed to other users and service providers, third parties, and/or other parties in accordance with this Privacy Policy, subject to applicable law. Please note that a user can choose not to disclose certain information. Please see Information we can collect and How we may use your information above and Storage, Retention, and Choices regarding your information below.

Service providers, third parties, and/or other parties: Please see Information we collect - Authentication Services and - Service provider, third party, and/or other party collection above.

Business changes: If we become involved in, or engage in the preparatory steps leading to, a merger, acquisition, sale of assets, divestiture, joint venture, securities offering, financing, bankruptcy, reorganization, liquidation, dissolution, or other transaction, or if the ownership of all or substantially all of our business otherwise changes, we can disclose or transfer your information to another party or other parties and it can be used subsequently by such party or parties.

For analytics: For analytics, including to understand how you use the Beehive Mobile App, to determine how you access the Beehive Mobile App, to improve the Beehive Mobile App, and for research and development, and/or fixing errors, by us or a service provider, third party, and/or other party, subject to applicable law.

Prevent fraud and promote security: To ensure the Beehive Mobile App remains safe and secure, such as by detecting, investigating and preventing activities that may violate our policies or be illegal.

Comply with law: To comply with applicable laws, including complying with our reporting obligations or governmental requests.

For legal and safety purposes: For legal and safety purposes, including to defend or protect us, you or others, from harm or in legal proceedings, protect our rights; protect our security and the security of others and property, respond to court orders, lawsuits, subpoenas, and government requests, address legal and regulatory compliance, enforce the Terms, and notify you of safety issues.

Anonymized information: For collecting, compiling, and/or creating anonymized information, which we or a service provider, third party, and/or other party can do, subject to applicable law, and which we or a service provider, third party, and/or other party can disclose for any purpose, subject to applicable law.

With your consent: We can disclose your information other than as described in this Privacy Policy if we notify you and you consent to such disclosure.

At your request: We can disclose your information at your request, subject to applicable law.

For any other purpose with notice by us: We can disclose your information for any other purpose for which we provide you with notice, subject to applicable law.

Information collected automatically: Please see Information we can collect – Information collected automatically above.

5. Links to Websites

This Privacy Policy applies only to the Beehive Mobile App. The Beehive Mobile App may have links to other websites, mobile applications, online services, or content or material, to which this Privacy Policy does not apply. The links from the Beehive Mobile App do not imply that we endorse or have reviewed these websites, mobile applications, online services, or content or material. The policies and procedures we describe here do not apply to these websites, mobile applications, online services, or content or material. We neither can control nor are responsible for the privacy practices of these websites, mobile applications, or online services or for such content or material. We suggest reviewing the privacy policies of these websites, mobile applications, or online services or such content or material.

6. Security

We take physical, technological, and administrative measures to protect the information that you provide through the Beehive Mobile App from accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, or alteration and from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. Please be aware, however, that no security measures can guarantee absolute security. No Internet, email, or mobile application transmission or method of electronic storage is ever fully secure or error free. Email or other communications, including those sent through the Beehive Mobile App, may not be secure. You should use caution whenever submitting information through the Beehive Mobile App and take special care in deciding which information you provide us with.

7. Storage

Your personal information is stored on servers in various locations, including the United States. Your personal information may be disclosed in response to inquiries or requests from government authorities in the countries in which we operate. United States federal and state governments, courts or law enforcement, or regulatory agencies may be able to obtain disclosure of your information through laws applicable in the United States. By using or accessing the Beehive Mobile App, you understand that your information can be transferred to countries outside of your country of residence, including the United States, which may have data protection rules that are different from those of your country.

8. Retention

We will retain your personal information for as long as reasonably necessary for the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy, while we have a legitimate business need to do so or as required by law (for example, for legal, tax, accounting, or other purposes), whichever is the longer.

If you have elected to receive email communications from us, we retain information about your email preferences until you opt out of receiving these email communications and in accordance with our policies.

To determine the appropriate retention period for the categories of your personal information, we will consider the amount, nature, and type of the personal information, the potential risk of harm from unauthorized use or disclosure of your personal information, the purposes for which we use your personal information and whether we can achieve those purposes through other means, and the applicable legal requirements. In certain circumstances, we can anonymize your personal information, subject to applicable law.

9. Choices regarding your information

You have choices regarding your information on the Beehive Mobile App.

a. Changing your information. You can make changes to your information or your child’s information, including accessing such information, correcting, or updating such information, or deleting such information by contacting us as follows: via email at or logging into your registered account and clicking on the “My Hive” button, subject to applicable legal restrictions. We may take reasonable steps to verify your identity before providing access to, correction of, update of, or deletion of your personal information. You may also make changes to your personal information in your registered account on the Beehive Mobile App by logging in with your email address and password.

b. Withdrawing consent. You can withdraw your consent to or affirmative authorization of our collection, use, or disclosure of your information at any time either by emailing us at or logging into your registered account and clicking on the “My Hive” button. If, notwithstanding the choices regarding your information described in this Privacy Policy, you wish to withdraw your authorization for us to handle your information as described in this Privacy Policy, you may do so by requesting that we delete your registered account by emailing us at or logging into your registered account and clicking on the “My Hive” button. We will process such requests within a reasonably prompt timeframe after receipt and your withdrawal will become effective once processing is complete, until which time we will continue to handle your information as described in this Privacy Policy.

c. Delete your registered account.  You may request to delete your registered account on the Beehive Mobile App by contacting us via email at or logging into your registered account and clicking on the “My Hive” button.

d. Mobile device permissions. You can use your mobile device’s privacy settings to disable our access to any information granted through them.

e. Declining to provide information. We need to collect information to provide certain services. If you do not provide the information we request, we may not be able to provide certain services.

f. Please see Information we can collect - Authentication Services, - Information we can collect about children, - Service provider, third party, and/or other party collection, - Information collected automatically, - Analytics, - and Do Not Track above.

g. Please see Retention above.

h. Please see Your California privacy rights below.

10. Your California privacy rights

If you are a natural person under the age of eighteen (18) who is a California resident and a user of the Beehive Mobile App, you may request and obtain removal of content or information you have publicly posted on the Beehive Mobile App. To make this request, please email us at and include a detailed description of the specific content or information you would like to remove. Please note that this removal does not ensure complete or comprehensive removal of the content or information posted on the Beehive Mobile App by you as there may be circumstances in which California law does not require or allow removal.

11. Changes to this Privacy Policy

We may update this Privacy Policy to reflect our updated business practices and/or new requirements, or to further protect our users. You can see when the last update was by looking at the “Last Revised and Effective Date” at the top of this Privacy Policy.

If we make material changes to the personal information we collect, or how we use it, we will notify you.